
UPVC window problems: Common issues and solutions


UPVC windows are renowned for their durability and low maintenance, but like any other fixture, they are not immune to problems. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the common issues that UPVC windows may encounter and provide practical solutions to address them.

1. Drafts and Air Leaks:

One of the most common issues with UPVC windows is the occurrence of drafts or air leaks, which can lead to energy inefficiency and discomfort indoors. These leaks often occur due to improper installation, worn weatherstripping, or damaged seals. To resolve this issue, inspect the window frames for gaps or cracks and replace any worn weatherstripping or seals. Additionally, applying a silicone-based sealant around the window frames can help to eliminate drafts and improve insulation.

Window and door repair service

2. Difficulty in Opening or Closing:

If you're struggling to open or close your UPVC windows smoothly, it may be due to several reasons, such as dirt and debris buildup in the tracks, misaligned frames, or faulty hinges. Start by cleaning the window tracks thoroughly to remove any debris or obstructions. If misalignment is the issue, adjust the hinges or tracks as needed to ensure proper alignment. In some cases, lubricating the hinges and moving parts with silicone spray can also improve functionality.

Window and door repair service

3. Condensation Between Panes:

Condensation between the panes of double-glazed UPVC windows or blown panes is a common problem that can occur over time. This condensation indicates a broken seal, allowing moisture to penetrate the space between the glass panes. Unfortunately, once the seal is compromised, the only solution is to replace the affected glass unit. Contact our professional window repair service to assess the extent of the damage and replace the glass unit if necessary.

Maintaining windows and doors

4. Discoloration or Fading:

UPVC windows are susceptible to discolouration or fading over time, especially when exposed to prolonged sunlight or harsh weather conditions. While discoloration does not typically affect the functionality of the windows, it can detract from their appearance. To prevent discoloration, consider applying a UV-resistant coating or paint to the window frames. Regular cleaning and maintenance can also help to preserve the appearance of UPVC windows.

5. Broken or Faulty Locks:

Faulty or broken window locks compromise the security of your home and should be addressed promptly. If you're experiencing issues with the window locks, check for any obstructions or debris preventing them from engaging properly. If the locks are damaged beyond repair, consider replacing them with new ones to ensure proper security.


While UPVC windows are known for their durability and longevity, they may encounter various issues over time. By understanding the common problems associated with UPVC windows and implementing proactive maintenance measures, you can ensure that your windows remain in optimal condition for years to come. If you’re experiencing persistent issues with your UPVC windows, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance to address the problem effectively.

We hope you found this guide helpful for maintaining your windows and doors! If you have any further questions or need professional repairs to your windows and doors, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

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